Monday, April 23, 2012

Obama's About to Play Bait'n'Switch With The Wrong People

Everyone should have a "File" for such articles as the one I'm about to highlight. We've known all along that Obama is a fool in suit. Some say he is stupid and inexperienced. I say he's smart and knows exactly what he is doing. It's all about staying at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Call it President Obama’s Committee for the Re-Election of the President — a political slush fund at the Health and Human Services Department. Only this isn’t some little fund from shadowy private sources; this is taxpayer money, redirected to help Obama win another term. A massive amount of it, too — $8.3 billion. Yes, that’s billion, with a B. Here is how it works. The most oppressive aspects of the ObamaCare law don’t kick in until after the 2012 election, when the president will no longer be answerable to voters. More “flexibility,” he recently explained to the Russians.
But certain voters would surely notice one highly painful part of the law before then — namely, the way it guts the popular Medicare Advantage program.
For years, 12 million seniors have relied on these policies, a more market-oriented alternative to traditional Medicare, without the aggravating gaps in coverage.
But as part of its hundreds of billions in Medicare cuts, the Obama one-size-fits-all plan slashes reimbursement rates for Medicare Advantage starting next year — herding many seniors back into the government-run program.

Obama is more than willing to play bait and switch games with seniors, or anyone else he deems a valuable voting block. So my job is clear: To discuss this tactic with everyone I know who is over 55, and I know plenty of people in that age bracket. Citizens can fight back at these injustices. They just need to know facts- something you won't find with this President.

I'm not at all against cutting wasteful spending, and yes, this Medicare Advantage presents many opportunities for unscrupulous medical professionals to earn kick back and bonus cash. There are other ways our money is wasted and some doctors are taking a stand and doing something about it.
Others are just starting to see the effects of the costs of the tests they order. For the vast majority of older people who use these plans, the monthly premium is higher. These people have paid into the system for all their working lives.

Patients have to stop demanding every single test and treatment that doctors tell them are not necessary OR effective.  The mindset, INSURANCE covers the costs, has to end. Because someone is paying. This is why our health care costs keep going up. The US is not ready to really hear this, yet. Instead, we bicker about which age group spends the most money== the elderly or the children. It's pretty clear to me the elderly folks are pretty frugal until the end of their lives, and that's when we see the costs go up and up.

If I can be painfully honest about all this, why can't the President? What is he afraid of?

1 comment:

  1. Damn. Mr. AOW just got a Medicare Advantage policy -- at age 62 because he is totally disabled. His monthly premium for private catastrophic coverage dropped from $700/month to $138/month.

    We couldn't find any other Medicare-gap type of plan because Mr. AOW isn't age 65.

    We need some type of Medicare-gap coverage because Medicare has no out-of-pocket maximum for the year.

    God knows that Mr. AOW and I have NEVER wanted or asked for "unnecessary" tests. And our primary care doc doesn't go that route, anyway.
